How Do You Cure Gum Disease Without Surgery?

How Do You Cure Gum Disease Without Surgery?

Nov 17, 2022

Gum or periodontal is a common oral concern among millions of adults and children. Gum disease is the inflammation or infection of the gum tissues, often caused by bacterial plaque and tartar. When you don’t clean your mouth thoroughly, bacterial plaque collects on the teeth and around the gums.

If left for long, plaque hardens to tartar, a hard deposit that forms on teeth and along the gum line. Over time, bacterial plaque and tartar release toxins that erode the teeth and irritate the gums, causing tooth decay and gum disease.

Over time, plaque and tartar (calculus) develop under the gum line, gradually separating the gum tissues from the teeth and forming gum pockets. These gum pockets deepen progressively if not treated, exposing the underlying bone and tissues to infections. Should this happen, you can experience severe pain and discomfort, loose or falling teeth, jawbone damage, and other complications.

Signs of Gum Disease

Routine dental check-ups and cleanings will help catch gum disease in its early stages when treatment is more successful and less invasive. Schedule a consultation with our dentist if you have the following symptoms:

  • Red, sore, tender, or swollen gums
  • Sensitive or painful teeth
  • Receding gums
  • Unexplainable bad breath
  • Bleeding when brushing or flossing
  • Pus between teeth and gums
  • Falling or loose teeth

Non-Surgical Gum Disease Treatments

Once you visit our dentist, they will begin by examining your mouth to determine the extent of the damage. After the diagnosis, they will establish the most effective treatment plan to restore oral health. For mild to moderate symptoms, the dentist will likely recommend non-surgical gum disease treatments, which can include:

  • Excellent oral hygiene and routine dental cleanings

Since gum disease is primarily caused by bacterial plaque and calculus, proper oral hygiene habits can help manage or reverse it. Brushing and flossing daily and routine professional cleanings can help eliminate bacterial plaque and keep your mouth disease-free. The dentist will guide you through effective oral hygiene practices and quality oral products at home.

  • Antibiotics or Antimicrobials

The dentist can recommend antibiotics or antimicrobials to clear up the gum infection, along with excellent oral hygiene. These medications can include antimicrobial rinses, topical antibiotics, and periodontal trays. Be sure to take medicine as directed to allow the infection to clear up completely.

  • Deep Cleaning

Also known as scaling and root planing, this treatment is a less invasive procedure of removing bacterial plaque and calculus deep under the gums and around teeth roots. You’ll be numbed to keep you relaxed and pain-free. You might need multiple treatments if there are significant plaque deposits.

In scaling, the dentist uses special scraping tools to remove bacterial plaque and tartar deposits from the teeth and above and below the gum line. The dentist can use an ultrasonic scaler to break up the tartar.

The dentist will scrap bacterial toxins from the teeth-roots surfaces in root planing. It smoothens the teeth’ roots, making it more difficult for bacteria plaque to adhere or collect.

Root planing and scaling remove the gum pockets, making it easier for the gums to heal and re-attach to the teeth snugly.

  • Bite Adjustment

If gum disease has affected the underlying structures like the bone, you can experience loose, shifting, or falling teeth. The dentist can align the bite, protecting them from the great forces of chewing and biting. The dentist can recommend a nightguard if you have bruxism.

  • Follow-up

After treatment, the dentist will likely schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress. If the condition hasn’t improved, the dentist can recommend more extensive treatments like surgery.

Reduce the risk factors for Gum Disease

During and after your gum treatment, you should be aware of the various factors that affect your gums and, if possible, be sure to avoid them. Risk factors for gum disease include:

  • Tobacco use
  • Diabetes. People with diabetes have a larger risk of getting gum disease.
  • Pregnancy. Hormonal changes during pregnancy increase your risk of developing gum disease.
  • Stress and depression. High stress makes it difficult for the body to fight off infections, increasing your risk of gum disease.
  • Regular snacking. Snacking regularly, especially on sugary items, encourages plaque development which causes gum disease.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Do you need more information about gum disease in Easton, PA? Contact Maple Tree Dental to book your appointment.

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