Common Dental Emergencies and Their Treatment

Common Dental Emergencies and Their Treatment

Apr 01, 2021

Are you facing a dental emergency and wondering what to do? Worry no more because emergency dentistry in Easton, PA, will take care of your emergency.

Dental emergencies happen when you least expect them, and this makes them scarier. However, most people have difficulties in differentiating between urgent and non-urgent dental emergencies.

Definition of Dental Emergency

Dental emergencies are oral issues that require immediate medical attention. A medical emergency requires you to look for urgent treatment or medical attention to avoid further complications.

It is always helpful to know what to do when the situation arises. Start by giving first aid but if the injury is unbearable, visit a dental clinic near you. Some of the most common dental emergencies and how to lessen their symptoms are rounded in this article.

Oral Problems That Need Urgent Dental Care

At Maple Tree Dental, we have an experienced emergency dentist who offers emergency services and general dentistry procedures. Do not hesitate to visit our dentist in Easton for quality treatment services if you experience any of these dental issues:

Chipped tooth

This depends on how badly your tooth is broken. A minor chip is not considered an emergency, but a large break is. Damage occurs both in the inside and outside of the tooth when teeth crack. If you experience swelling, introduce a cold press to the outside of the mouth and seek dental care near you if the pain becomes severe.

Dental abscess

A dental abscess happens at the root of your tooth. An abscess is a painful infection and a sign of a severe underlying condition. An abscessed tooth is caused by gum disease or a cavity that is left untreated. It can also be caused by tooth trauma like a broken tooth. Its symptoms include swollen glands, fever, pain in the jaw, bad breath, and pus. If you suspect you have a dental abscess, you should have your way to an emergency dentist near you.

Severe tooth pain

The severity of your toothache is a major determinant of how immediate you should seek treatment. If your toothache is minor, you can use painkillers or other home remedies to relieve the pain. Also, it would be best if you started regular dental visits to prevent the minor toothache from becoming severe.

If the pain is intense, it is a sign that you have an infection at the root of your tooth. Hence, you should go to an emergency dental clinic near you. The dentist will know the cause of the pain by evaluating the teeth, and the treatment will depend on the cause of the toothache and the diagnosis made.

Loose teeth

This is common to children under the age of ten because they are still shedding their milk teeth. However, as an adult, you should never experience loose teeth. This can be alarming. A loose tooth could result from trauma to the mouth or jaw, tooth decay, or tooth injury. The injury might be from accidents like car accidents or sports and can be painful. Your dental practitioner will perform an oral exam to find out which parts of the mouth have been affected and will also check your jaws for any breakages.

Bleeding gums

The presence of blood after you floss could be a sign of gingivitis and gum disease in their early stage. This is not normal and should not be taken lightly. If you experience recurring bleeding and your gums swelling, you should seek emergency dental care. Your dentist will examine you to detect the causes and deal with them before they advance. Treatment of gum disease will depend on the stage you are at.

If the gum disease is left untreated, it may reach an irreversible point. Some gum disease stages will make it impossible to restore your teeth to their normal healthy state.

Knocked-out teeth

Teeth knockout can be caused by accident or contact sports. When you get a tooth knocked out, the supporting tissues, the nerves, and blood vessels are damaged too. The blood vessels and the nerves can’t be repaired; hence a root canal is done.

When the tooth is knocked out, pick it by the crown instead of roots. Rinse it with clean water if dirty. Try reinserting it immediately in its sockets. If impossible, there are other ways of preserving it. You can keep it moist by immersing it in a jar containing milk, then see a dentist as fast as possible or within thirty minutes of the injury.

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